Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Bye bye 2009

As the New Year is dawning, I see people looking back on the year gone. This prompted me to look back at 2009. 2009 will be a memorable year of my life, forever. This year brought in a lot of changes for me as an individual. The year started of with the decision on my wedding date. And the first few months went in the preparation of the wedding. During the early part of the year, I always thought that I was not prepared for the big leap. I was sure of the guy I was marrying but the whole marriage thing brought in jitters in me. The anticipation of the wedding and the changes following it made me nervous time to time. At one point I was excited to be married and the other side made me super-nervous. Every one knows that nothing is permanent yet none of us is prepared to face the change. We are all comfortable in our seat and then when we are asked to move away from that comfort zone, it is nerve-wrecking. I guess my parents and Sandeep had to face these emotional out-burst. I really need to thank them for tolerating my mood-swings. So I decided to shut my mind and enjoy the moment as it comes.

Anyway, enough of that. So after long months of preparation, the D-day arrived. I, myself cannot say if it was a great day or not as I was emotionally on a stand-by. With so many things happening at the same time, I don’t remember the wedding properly. I now see my wedding photographs and try to link it all. I went to Nagpur on the same day. It was a great week there with my new family.

Even though, I knew Sandeep for a long time, living with him was a total different experience. As I girlfriend, I knew only 19.92% of his personality and had imagined his 100% using that 19.92%. I was in for a surprise. It was a real joy ride. Sometimes it was real up, sometimes it was down. But before we could find more about each other, I had to be in Mumbai to join back office. That started a period of struggle for both of us. As everyone we know, knows, I was looking for transfer to Pune which I was not given in the name of recession. They tried to throw me to Bangalore which I resisted. The mental torture which I underwent in that month, prompted me to even think quitting my job. And then after a lot of struggle, depression and fights, I was on my way to interview for a Pune project. And then Sandeep broke the news that his company was sending him to Hyderabad for four months. I did not know how to react. There I was concentrating on my problem and suddenly out of no where a new problem had cropped up for Sandeep. That is when I realized that it was no more my problem and Sandeep’s problem, it was our problem and we had to face it and fight it. I cleared my interview and was asked to move to Pune. Sandeep had moved to Hyderabad. It was really bad at first. In a new place with new people and both in the same situation. The days were hard but at the end we both enjoyed it. The phone calls, the infrequent meeting, the missing each other, the supporting each other. I guess that made us know each other more and value each other more. During this time, I want to mention two people who were bolster support for me- Mangesh and Mayuresh. If it hadn’t been for these two, I would have gone nuts. They were the ones who kept me going. Thanks to both you!!! I never got a chance to mention that to both of you!

Anyway, days passed slowly but steadily. We were sensing that Sandeep’s stay in Hyderabad might extend. We (mostly Sandeep) decided enough was enough and he had to come back. We took some extreme steps and unexpectedly he was back in Pune. That was the real start of our life as a couple. There so many great moments that its difficult to write about them. We disagreed, argued and fought but still managed to find a middle path. We, as before, had great 2 months together and looking forward for many more to come.

The anticipation and nervousness of being married has completed gone. There is a great sense of relief that I am with some great people – Mangesh, Mayuresh, Ketan, Tejas and of course my husband dearest. Thanks everyone around me to make my 2009 so special. To sum it up in one line “I am loving it”

Looking forward for a greater 2010,
Sneha Chande – Abhyankar.

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