Friday, November 23, 2007

Wierd life

Life is really weird!!

you are walking down the pathways of life and feel you are going on the right way and suddenly you are hit by a stone on the
way and the hit is so hard that you start to rethink if the route you have taken is right or not.
i sometimes wonder why there is no book which gives us the tried and tested ways of living so that none of us make mistakes!
then sometimes i wonder what would my life be with no mistakes and I realize it wont be called as life!
i like the way my life has been till now but this is when i see my life from yesterdays point of view!
i get extremely scared when i see my life from today’s and scarier when i see it from tomorrows point of view!
it seems like am standing on a the tip of a beautiful mountain and ready to jump and below lies the beautiful blue ocean and
i am all set to venture into its cool water! but when i see the dept of the fall i am gonna go through i am alarmed!!! all sorts
of questions start coming up in my mind! will I sustain the fall? what if a pointed rock hits me! what if I jus miss the ocean
and fall on the granular sand??
what choice do I have? I cant go back!! either I can stand here itself waiting and wondering else i can just jump into it
without thinking of all the negative effects!
but alas this scenario is not what life really is! not so easy: jump or stay kind of situation!
the next aspect of once life is: people (btw first one was situations, if u have not realized).people in one's life influence
you a lot! i have been extremely lucky(can i say that?) that i have met great people in my life( good as well as bad) who have
taught me what to do and what not to do, supported through good and bad(my family), basically made me what i am today (both
good and bad included, so people if u think i m not good its coz of you)!
sometime back a person i adore a lot told me this "Neha, even if u know that someone is there for you always, at the end of it
u r all alone"(this was hurting at that time because i told this person a moment back "i am there for you")then i thought
about this and realized he was right!! even I have so many people to care about and i care about them but right now when I
typing this, thinking about my life, i am all alone! just one line popped in my mind "bheed main bhi sab tanha"(for those cant
understand hindi shame on you)so now i was on the rock rearing to jump into the ocean and over that all alone. the illusion
that i will have people around me to help when i get hurt was broken! this was worse!! oh lord! I should not have thought about

so what do I do? jump or stay back!!(I know I am bheed main tanha but still you can help me yaar!! please!!)


Ketan said...

All the best for your blog! This has given me new inspiration to start writing in my blog which for now only has a name but no content!

Mayuresh said...

This is profound.I've thought a lot about life being weird,crazy,unfair,mean,kind,unscrupulous,
beautiful etc. etc. and im of the view that Life's just there.and we are looking at it through a looking glass:"Our Mind".The status of the mind decides the tint of the glass.
well now im trying to be profound when all i meant to say that i felt great reading your blog.