Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Let go the pain!

Sometimes when we let go few things in life the pain which we go through is tremendous. But may be while doing this we know that the pain of holding on it is of greater magnitude.

It's like a thorn which accidentally pokes you and whenever you walk the thorn goes deeper into your skin and the pain increasing with each step you take. But when you go to the doctor to remove the piece of thorn, you know the surgery is going to be painful but it is necessary to remove it. So you get ready to under go the procedure. Sometimes the doctor recommends for local anesthesia so that the pain alleviates.

Similarly in life we have our own local anesthesia - our close ones-friends, lovers, parents, etc.

So people whenever you feel the pain ask yourself whether this pain is because of you holding on something or letting it go! And if your pain goes out of tolerance do not forget every one of us has a local anesthesia, you just need to call them and they are waiting to relieve your pain!

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