Friday, November 23, 2007

Use n throw....

Use and throw!

I really like this concept! it is so convenient use something till it is usable and then throw it in the bin when its no more useful to you!but alas, not all the things in life can be used and thrown! I would say important things! I don’t know how many of us have felt at least sometime in life that a commitment binding you and not letting you to be free! I have felt that a lot! you are moving forward in life and some prior commitment or bond is not letting you to do so! there are so many unimportant things in life which you get bonded to! be it is an old, torn greeting card which your best friend gave or an old house you spent your summers at! you just cant throw(leave) them!! it takes a lot of effort and persuasion to throw them off your life and at the end of it u feel relieved if the thing was associated with bad memories and worse if they were part of the merry days! Funnily, these are just non-living things of our life! What about the things which breathe? yes i am talking about people you love or who love you! How hard is to apply the concept of 'use and throw' to them! when you are young your parents give you love and attention, as you grow older you find the same love and attention a threat to your independence. now no more you need them but still the rules which were put on 20 years back are still applicable? can you throw this precious relation?may be the above example makes me sound very shallow!lets take another example! you have this best friend who you really adore. he has been with you through your bad as well as good in life for a very long time! one day you fall in love with someone who your best friend does not approve of. you really like this guy and are pretty sure you will be happy with him but unlike you your best friend thinks he is not a reliable guy. you try very hard to convince your best friend but he is adamant. you realize you need to choose one out of the two. you choose love. can you throw your best friend out of your life?is it so easy to walk out of a friendship? no it is not. the friends world will still haunt you once in a while. a fear, a guilt will always stay in your heart.why is it so difficult to handle life?
are we the ones making it difficult or life is inherently complicated.

trust me! its a hard question to answer!

1 comment:

Srikanth Sankaran said...

Nice blog and a gr8 application of use n throw concept to parents, and thoh it sounds shallow, its kinda true !! ..

But again the main driver of dis use n throw concept is Priority .. So if ur priority and dependency is more skewed towards love then u choose love (probably more likely to be an emotional decision), else u would go wid ur frnd (a more practical decision).. its all a state of mind .. its all in the mind :) ....