Friday, November 23, 2007

Lucky love

Love is something which we all want to experience.

We all have a definition of love fitted in our heart. And we are all searching for that love,all our life. Some are lucky enough to have it and others not so lucky, search for this oasis.

For some love is a strong attraction towards the other person, maybe looks (not necessary).Some people search for warmth and compatibility in a person. Some want the person they love to have similar liking as theirs. Some look for money, education etc etc.

Billions of people with billions of demand from their love. The unfortunate thing about love is that it can instill illusion in a person,a person can feel that this is the right one for me which might not be necessary and one fine day this person will wake up to the harsh reality of life. But if you are lucky and find the love of your life, you are in heaven.

But not every time the love of your life is heaven. This pretty rose also comes with thorns. Every relation has it's up and down. A person in love needs to be very persistent to uplift the downs of his/her relation so that it is life long.

And for those who are not so lucky, go in for the statistical method of 'trial and error'. You should never be disheartened by failures. Look for your love all the time.
I firmly believe that every person has his/her love of the life somewhere in this world, its just that some meet them, some meet the wrong ones and some don't meet them only.

Don't loose hope is the moral of the story. So go ahead get your binoculars and get going. Because someone somewhere is waiting for you....

PS-btw, where is mine??


Srikanth Sankaran said...
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Srikanth Sankaran said...

Soo very true !! I can relate to all of wat u hav written and indeed very well written ..

Love seems more an illusion than reality .. At the end of it all, every relationship in dis world is a menatal state of dependency (for a reason, season or lifetime) wid a degree of compatibility ..

An a thought tat comes to mind, 'the best things in life are unexpected, as there were no expectations' .. but its almost inevitable to not hav expectations once u feel u are familiar wid tha person or situation, expectation tha steppin stone to disappointment !!

Seems like I have done a blog in a blog :) ..