Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thumb Rules

I saw a lady sitting peacefully yesterday. She was sitting in a small 'Tapri' kind of thing selling cigarettes and other such stuff. There was a purane zamane ka phone (the one which did not have the comfortable press buttons but those rotating dial), which I presumed made the 'Tapri', a PCO (I wonder in today's mobile world who uses a PCO).What's so different in that? But the most striking thing of the whole scene was that she was sitting inside the 'Tapri' without any lights or candles at 7:30 pm on that cold January evening. I initially thought that there might be some electrical problem but when I observed carefully, a shiver ran through my spine. The lady was blind and it did nt make a difference to her whether it was broad light or lurking darkness. It was the same to her!

It was such a blow to me which triggered an emotional and philosophical catastrophe.

I realized how lucky I was to see this darkness and feel the need of light to see different things. I could see people, things, images, and colors-the Wonderful world.

I suddenly started valuing the fact that I could see the world and eyes made me what I am. I imagine things because of them. I dream of being on trip with my boyfriend because I have seen him. I feel good when I wear good clothes because I have seen them on myself. I am writing this because I have eyes.....

I never valued my eyes so much I did yesterday. I realized if I lose these pair how will my life be. And then I realized the same was with all the other organs of my body. I will miss them if I don't have them but don't value it when I have it today. The other day I hurt my right thumb and could not move it and I realized how dependent I was on this thumb and so many things could not be done because it was not functional.,

Why is that we realize the importance of something only after we lose it...

Tell me isn't it true with people too? We miss people only after they are gone (temporary or permanently).when we are with them we feel irritated, we fight, we crib and when we go separate ways we realize and cherish each day spent with them and find that life without them is meaningless. We miss them and feel paralyzed without them but till then its too late...

The incident stamped me with the fact I need to value things I have- the healthy body, the good job, awesome family, loving friends, the sufficient finance,,,,the list goes on! And really it makes me feel how lucky to have all these things...

Thank you god (i am not an atheist, u see)!!And i love you mummy daddy!!!!


snesan said...

Good….u r getting better…:)

What I like in particular is hw u smoothly made ur way from stating with a simple example an ending up to a serious thing.

Yes we often tend to do this kind of thing…don’t value things which we get easily or have them already…..and this is really an eye-opener for me and will be for everyone who read’s it.

As far as the writing of your’s u r no doubt getting better by the day…and also loved this idea of telling ur point by first giving a simple example…..

I hope you will keep on writing this kind of stuff…more n more and will be a treat for all of us.

- Sandeep

Ketan said...

Nice post after long break!


Its a very good n introspective blog.Like it very much..
Good going SSC, Keep it up...
We r waiting for more such blogs from U.. :)