Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Life teaches us lot of different things as we grow old. It depends upon us what and how we learn from it. Making the same mistake again and again shows that we have not taken these lessons seriously.

But the main question all of us have is" How do we know that what we are doing right now is going to be termed as a mistake at the end?"
Most of us don't want to make mistakes on purpose. It is circumstances which turn it into a mistake .

Say, you are driving into a new city and you need to find a particular street. You take a road, ask for directions, follow the sign-boards but still there is a good chance that you land up on the wrong street. So is it not a mistake? You thought you were on the right path and were making sure from your part that you really are. But still you ended up in the wrong street and realized it was a mistake!

Okay! Now you have the chance of going back and finding the street again but what if you have finished up with your fuel and stuck up in the wrong street. You can't go back home or find the right street. Then what do you do? I would say go ahead, get on your feet and find the path again.

Never get disheartened. You will surely get what you desire or maybe something much better than you desire...
At the end of the day, we all need to realize that we all make mistakes and we are destined to do the same.
So don't be scared of making mistakes because as someone great once said "The only one who never makes mistake is the one who never does anything"

1 comment:

Ketan said...

hmmm! I think mistake something can be termed as mistake only if we fail to acknowledge the different path to achieve our goal or may be fail to understand our goal itself is wrong when there are signboards to warn us before we take the turn. Only way to not to make mistake is to overlap your present with your near future!