Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No trespassing plz....

Sometimes I feel whether I am intruding too much in someone's life? What is the limit a person wants u to be with him? Where do you define his personal space? Where do you stop interfering in his work, life, etc etc..
Ironically all these questions are applicable only to people you love or adore a lot. You want to be this person all the time-be it happiness or pain. The plain reason being that you love this person and care for him so much!
When this love of your life is hurt, from my personal experience I tell you it pains you too. And to relive yourself from this pain the only thing you can do is to heal this persons wounds by being with him and consoling him. But where does this consoling ends and intrusion starts. In reality it depends how much the other person wants to be with you. Are you just increasing his agony or really you are being helpful? How do you manage to find all these things? By talking to the other person? Is this talking also intruding? It can be. You never know.
So basically it is an unending circle. You intrude into his life because you don't know what his personal space is and you don't know his personal space because that can also be an intrusion.

PS-am I confused? Can someone please be kind enough and intrude into my life and alleviate my pain because I practically don't need a personal space! :)

Let go the pain!

Sometimes when we let go few things in life the pain which we go through is tremendous. But may be while doing this we know that the pain of holding on it is of greater magnitude.

It's like a thorn which accidentally pokes you and whenever you walk the thorn goes deeper into your skin and the pain increasing with each step you take. But when you go to the doctor to remove the piece of thorn, you know the surgery is going to be painful but it is necessary to remove it. So you get ready to under go the procedure. Sometimes the doctor recommends for local anesthesia so that the pain alleviates.

Similarly in life we have our own local anesthesia - our close ones-friends, lovers, parents, etc.

So people whenever you feel the pain ask yourself whether this pain is because of you holding on something or letting it go! And if your pain goes out of tolerance do not forget every one of us has a local anesthesia, you just need to call them and they are waiting to relieve your pain!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Wierd life

Life is really weird!!

you are walking down the pathways of life and feel you are going on the right way and suddenly you are hit by a stone on the
way and the hit is so hard that you start to rethink if the route you have taken is right or not.
i sometimes wonder why there is no book which gives us the tried and tested ways of living so that none of us make mistakes!
then sometimes i wonder what would my life be with no mistakes and I realize it wont be called as life!
i like the way my life has been till now but this is when i see my life from yesterdays point of view!
i get extremely scared when i see my life from today’s and scarier when i see it from tomorrows point of view!
it seems like am standing on a the tip of a beautiful mountain and ready to jump and below lies the beautiful blue ocean and
i am all set to venture into its cool water! but when i see the dept of the fall i am gonna go through i am alarmed!!! all sorts
of questions start coming up in my mind! will I sustain the fall? what if a pointed rock hits me! what if I jus miss the ocean
and fall on the granular sand??
what choice do I have? I cant go back!! either I can stand here itself waiting and wondering else i can just jump into it
without thinking of all the negative effects!
but alas this scenario is not what life really is! not so easy: jump or stay kind of situation!
the next aspect of once life is: people (btw first one was situations, if u have not realized).people in one's life influence
you a lot! i have been extremely lucky(can i say that?) that i have met great people in my life( good as well as bad) who have
taught me what to do and what not to do, supported through good and bad(my family), basically made me what i am today (both
good and bad included, so people if u think i m not good its coz of you)!
sometime back a person i adore a lot told me this "Neha, even if u know that someone is there for you always, at the end of it
u r all alone"(this was hurting at that time because i told this person a moment back "i am there for you")then i thought
about this and realized he was right!! even I have so many people to care about and i care about them but right now when I
typing this, thinking about my life, i am all alone! just one line popped in my mind "bheed main bhi sab tanha"(for those cant
understand hindi shame on you)so now i was on the rock rearing to jump into the ocean and over that all alone. the illusion
that i will have people around me to help when i get hurt was broken! this was worse!! oh lord! I should not have thought about

so what do I do? jump or stay back!!(I know I am bheed main tanha but still you can help me yaar!! please!!)

Lucky love

Love is something which we all want to experience.

We all have a definition of love fitted in our heart. And we are all searching for that love,all our life. Some are lucky enough to have it and others not so lucky, search for this oasis.

For some love is a strong attraction towards the other person, maybe looks (not necessary).Some people search for warmth and compatibility in a person. Some want the person they love to have similar liking as theirs. Some look for money, education etc etc.

Billions of people with billions of demand from their love. The unfortunate thing about love is that it can instill illusion in a person,a person can feel that this is the right one for me which might not be necessary and one fine day this person will wake up to the harsh reality of life. But if you are lucky and find the love of your life, you are in heaven.

But not every time the love of your life is heaven. This pretty rose also comes with thorns. Every relation has it's up and down. A person in love needs to be very persistent to uplift the downs of his/her relation so that it is life long.

And for those who are not so lucky, go in for the statistical method of 'trial and error'. You should never be disheartened by failures. Look for your love all the time.
I firmly believe that every person has his/her love of the life somewhere in this world, its just that some meet them, some meet the wrong ones and some don't meet them only.

Don't loose hope is the moral of the story. So go ahead get your binoculars and get going. Because someone somewhere is waiting for you....

PS-btw, where is mine??

Use n throw....

Use and throw!

I really like this concept! it is so convenient use something till it is usable and then throw it in the bin when its no more useful to you!but alas, not all the things in life can be used and thrown! I would say important things! I don’t know how many of us have felt at least sometime in life that a commitment binding you and not letting you to be free! I have felt that a lot! you are moving forward in life and some prior commitment or bond is not letting you to do so! there are so many unimportant things in life which you get bonded to! be it is an old, torn greeting card which your best friend gave or an old house you spent your summers at! you just cant throw(leave) them!! it takes a lot of effort and persuasion to throw them off your life and at the end of it u feel relieved if the thing was associated with bad memories and worse if they were part of the merry days! Funnily, these are just non-living things of our life! What about the things which breathe? yes i am talking about people you love or who love you! How hard is to apply the concept of 'use and throw' to them! when you are young your parents give you love and attention, as you grow older you find the same love and attention a threat to your independence. now no more you need them but still the rules which were put on 20 years back are still applicable? can you throw this precious relation?may be the above example makes me sound very shallow!lets take another example! you have this best friend who you really adore. he has been with you through your bad as well as good in life for a very long time! one day you fall in love with someone who your best friend does not approve of. you really like this guy and are pretty sure you will be happy with him but unlike you your best friend thinks he is not a reliable guy. you try very hard to convince your best friend but he is adamant. you realize you need to choose one out of the two. you choose love. can you throw your best friend out of your life?is it so easy to walk out of a friendship? no it is not. the friends world will still haunt you once in a while. a fear, a guilt will always stay in your heart.why is it so difficult to handle life?
are we the ones making it difficult or life is inherently complicated.

trust me! its a hard question to answer!