Sunday, August 30, 2009

Me Marathi...

Scene from yesterday @ Food Court in HYD DC ----- (10 people are sitting together from same project )

Manager - hey naga illa tuiyy jasl olals jlsaljla ( i got hey Naga only )
Naga - illa guddu chingi pukka gythh hilla bababa ( got nothing )
Manager - chapandi tunaslak lkslak aslja ( got nothing )

It’s all blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah for me as I don't know Telugu ( this went on for another 15 mins )

They all knew I don't even know a word of Telugu still they keep on conversing in Telugu.....were they doing something wrong, Telugu is their mother tongue, they are in HYD so they should speak Telugu…..right or wrong?

Look at the below mail.....all 3 Marathi people are conversing in ENGLISH…. sad isn’t it?

It’s very sad, we just say Jai Maharashtra and then do nothing to promote our Language, and we should always encourage other Marathi people to read, speak and even write as much as they can in Marathi in our own language.

I found a banner in one of the pune shop saying "Aamhi Marathi aahot Marathi bolto " , how do you feel after reading this? You feel kind of proud that this person is doing something to promote our Marathi or you feel sad? For me the question is why in the first place he needed to put that board??? Answer simple Coz Marathi people don’t speak MARATHI.............

I know the trend is changing and English is the need of the hour, but can’t we just switch on and off between the languages we use, is that so difficult?? I don’t think so……………

And please don’t feel your promoting regionalism by using your mother tongue that was never true and will never be, we all are first proud to be Indians and then proud to be a Maharashtrian. Just to reiterate my point --- The recent campaign conducted by MNS and then by Municipal corporation to have the all the shop hoardings in Pune in Marathi Language, has anyone notice that the company that we work in already has a hoarding in Marathi, was this because Infosys management biased about Marathi? NO, they did it because they know how important a regional language is to that particular state. Do we feel the same????

We have to practice Marathi, we have to promote Marathi, Say yes to MARATHI

Offence meant to all the below mail participants

Its Pity that I had to write in English to encourage ppl to write in Marathi , term it as "need of the hour"

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hope of Life

Here I am stuck in a situation, as always. I have been lonely but never been alone. I was one of those lucky ones who always had people physically present in her life. So even if I would feel lonely, I would look at these people and with time would forget that I was lonely (You see I forget things very fast).But now the situation is a little different. I am lonely and alone. There are people who are miles apart and they are trying their best to keep me good and that’s why I guess I am surviving. I am overcoming this period with the ray of anticipation of my loved ones coming back to me at some point in future and drive my loneliness and aloneness away. May be they will be successful, may be they wont but still today, at present, I am moving on because of that hope.

Isn’t it true with everything in life? You are not happy with your job, you are frustrated - nothing good is happening; no onsite; no promotion; no salary-hike; but still you move on with the anticipation of one of these good things to happen. Then may be when you get it, but circumstances are such that you have no value for it. Say you get an opportunity to go Onsite but family problems do not permit you to. And then you think I was better off without this. But at some point of time in the past you were living on the hope of going abroad.

For us, all we need is hope. Hope to live, hope to go on. This hope can inspire you and sometimes shatter you. But you must go on and cling on that hope. Hope of living...