Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Be the source of pain, cause emotional anguish or make miserable it’s such a simple word which can leave behind scars for life. We all get hurt and are wounded.

I really feel that when we get physically hurt it is easier as you have a doctor to give you medication and alleviate the pain, but the emotional hurt is the worst kind.

When you get hurt emotionally a small scar becomes a deep wound if not treated in time. You won’t even realize that what is bothering you. It just penetrates slowly and steadily till the pain is unbearable. There is no help for you. You have to find the cause of the pain and how you got hurt. You have to take the initiative of helping yourself. This is one of those tricky situations in life where your loved ones can only be a spectator they can show you the right way but it’s you who has to get up.

Getting hurt is not in your control. But whether to ignore it or to brood over it is in your hand. People hurt you all your life, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. So you are left with only one thing, to get over it. This feeling is very awkward, leaves you helpless, but if you look at it in another way it’s a blessing in disguise, as you know there is no one to help you apart from you, the feeling of you against the whole world nurtures and which eventually will take you out of this.

The basic reason why we get hurt lies in the positive assumption we make , for any situation we ignore the fact that there are always two possible outcomes , Yes or No , Right or Wrong , and if we consider both of them , you will always end up without getting hurt as you are now prepared for both of them…